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Help Center -> Buying Limit -> Thread: What's my instant delivery buying limit?
What's my instant delivery buying limit?
Last Updated: Jan 24, 2015 16:32 PM

For security reason, CN-USA applies dynamic instant delivery buying limit technology. Please complete verification to obtain higher buying limit. If your order amount exceeds your buying limit, please click the verification link in the order email to complete verification and wait for our manual processing (delivery or refund), which takes normally within 24-72 hours. Please check your buying limit before you place order for instant delivery.

You may log in to view your current buying limit and know how to complete verification.

We understand that the buying limit increasing process involves some extra effort by users. We believe the process ultimately improves the user experience as verified buyers are more likely to make legitimate order, reduce transaction costs for all users, and improve the security of the system.


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