安全与隐私申明 |
我们提供绝对的安全支付保证, 你的信用卡及敏感信息将进行128位加密处理后送达PayPal或Google Checkout安全服务器处理; 我们决不会共享,公开或出售我们的任何交易信息. 更多 |
实时购买服务说明 |
CN-USA为海外华人提供国际信用卡购买游戏点卡游戏金币服务,接受Visa, Master, PayPal, Google 结账等,支持全球范围多种货币支付; 购买前无须注册用户,支付完成后网页立刻显示商品信息,同时实时发送订单信息电子邮件,并且自动生成登陆账号查询订单. 更多 |
Please contact us to trade. To receive golds in Korea maplestory2, Please sell one item in the auction house at the price of gold you just purchased so we can buy it. You can set up the right price and we will buy it after one hour. You will receive a notification in the game about the auction status right after our purchase, and you will receive the golds 48 hours after the auction completed.
The 15% auction fee will be distracted from the total amount automatically.
客服暂时离线, 您支付成功后我们一般8小时内完成处理, 届时会给您发送邮件通知.
购买流程说明 |
选择服务器 --> 填写角色名称以及联系信息 --> 选择支付方式 --> 确认订单并支付后 *** 24-72*** 小时内完成游戏币发送.
Please contact us to trade. To receive golds in Korea maplestory2, Please sell one item in the auction house at the price of gold you just purchased so we can buy it. You can set up the right price and we will buy it after one hour. You will receive a notification in the game about the auction status right after our purchase, and you will receive the golds 48 hours after the auction completed.
The 15% auction fee will be distracted from the total amount automatically.
备注: 如果我们在72小时内无法完成你的游戏币发送,我们会全额退款未发送的游戏币金额;因为时差等因素,我们会在国内工作时间内以第一速度给你尽快发送游戏币,届时你将会收到我们发送游戏币的Email通知信息。
支付方式说明 |
| 支持海外信用卡Visa, Master, PayPal, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, Switch/Solo,ECheck等,多种货币购买;
同时支持PayPal, Google Checkout 结帐支付, 无需预先注册账户, 直接使用信用卡即可支付购买;
会员支付: |
配送方式: | 游戏货币一般24小时之内在游戏内送达,请再下订单时正确选择游戏服务器并填写角色名称。
客户服务中心 |