100% Secure |
It's absolutely secure to order at CN-USA.com. Your credit card information will be highly encrypted to transfer and be processed by PayPal or Google checkout secure server. We will never share, publicate or sell any of your information necessary for processing orders. more |
Instant Order |
CN-USA.com provides service to instantly buy digital goods such as game cards, game gold/currency. We accept Visa, Mastercard, PayPal and Google Checkout. You will get your order information immediately after payment. Also, you will receive order copy by email and will be provided log in information to view order at CN-USA order history. more |
Xun Lei VIP / VPN / Point Recharge
Please input your XunLei phone number or email account, CN-USA will recharge for you.
If you need to accelerate online games, please purchase XunLei Game VPN 1 month or XunLei Senior Game VPN 1month. XunLei Game Recharge, please inform account and password, game area.
Customer service Joe is online now. We may process your order in minutes after you pay. Click here for live chat.
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Xun Lei VIP / VPN / Point Recharge |
Item Fee Information |
Item Instructions
- Xun Lei VIP is for downloading service.
- Xun Lei Game VPN is for accelerating game playing.
- You may buy Xun Lei points to upgrade any Xun Lei service but you need set up a payment password first before you may use the points.
Item Producer |
About Instant Order Service |
Payment Method: | We support main credit card such as Visa, Master, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, Switch/Solo,ECheck.
You can choose your own currency to pay and no registration is required to order.
Pay directly using any credit card.
Delivery Method: |
Your item information will be displayed on your computer screen instanlty after payment.
And we will send the order to your payment email address (check your trash box too).
Also, you can log in CN-USA.com to view order history. You may need register using your payment email address.
Delivery Time: | Your order is normally completed within minutes but may take up to 24 hours. Please use the inquiry link in your order email if you didn't receive in time.
Item Service Guarantee |
Rosolve within 24 working hours. |
Customer Service |