CN-USA:Import / Update Items with CSV Files
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Import / Update Items with CSV Files

You can upload bulk items by CSV files easily and fast. Current CN-USA supports two CSV files exported either from Trubo Lister or CN-USA's item exporting function.

Turbo Lister is a free software provided by eBay to manage and list your items. It's easy to use Turbo Lister to add or update your eBay items to CN-USA Robot system.

If you have not installed Turbo Lister yet, please click here to download and install. You can then import all of your eBay items to this software.

CN-USA supports uploading items from the CSV files exported from Turbo Lister. Please select the items you want to upload and click the menu "File -> Export Selceted Item -> To CSV". Save the file and add or update the item information to CN-USA system.

CN-USA exported CSV file helps you to back up and upload item easily. You can even generate your own file using your item information then upload it to CN-USA system. Please export a sample CSV file which CN-USA accepts before you upload.

CN-USA requires that you assign each item with an unique label in the Turbo Lister before you upload them. This will help you manage your items much easily. To assign an item label, please double click the item in Turbo Lister and input an unique label at the left bottom of the details page.

After you upload the file, the Robot will search its system for the same name item. If it succeeds, it will update its item information. If it fails, it will search again for the same item label item. If it succeeds this time, it wil update its item information. Otherwise, it will add this item as a new item.

Every time you have modified item name information in Turbo Lister, remember to export the modified items and update them with CN-USA system so their names will always match.

To start uploading/updating items to CN-USA Robot system now, please click here.
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